Thursday, May 19, 2016

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 Cosplay (Kosupure ) is an English term made ​​in Japan ( wasei - eigo ) derived from the combination of the words "costume " ( costumes) and "play " ( play ) . Cosplay mean hobby along with accessories and wearing makeup like worn characters in anime , manga , fairy tales , video games , singers and musicians idol , and cartoons. Performers called cosplayer cosplay , Among fans, cosplayers also abbreviated as Coser , one of the talented cosplayers in Indonesia is Yukitora Keiji .  In Japan , cosplay participants can be found in the events held by associations of fellow enthusiasts ( dōjin circle ) , such as Comic Market , or attend a concert of the music group visual kei genre . Fans of cosplay including cosplayer and non- cosplayer already spread all over the world , namely the US , China, Europe , the Philippines , Indonesia, and the world.

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